
Selasa, 30 April 2019

Global Property Register 

The world’s first and only universal real estate register!

The world of real estate has always been a very attractive source of profit for most people around the world. Many large investors have made huge, many billions of dollars in real estate in all corners of the world.
However, not everyone who wants this market is open and accessible. Becoming a member of the real estate market is not such an easy task. First, you must have a lot of money. Secondly, you must have all the necessary legal and notarized documents confirming your status and position. Moreover, even if there is money, not everyone immediately has the experience and competence regarding the real estate market, so in third place is the problem of the lack of many newcomers to the market, their necessary skills. This can naturally lead to poor-quality transactions, as a result of which you will not only earn any profit, but also lose a significant part of your capital.
The real estate market, although it is one of the most ancient and conservative, nevertheless, it still has a huge number of problems, ranging from legislation to various registration documents and ownership rights to a particular object. Thus, the market is a kind of dinosaur, which is not fully digitized, which means that the documentation and all the necessary legislative registers can create an absolute mess.
A new decentralized project called Global Property Register intends to solve a number of problems.

About the project

Global Property Register — is a new generation of the real estate market, using modern technologies and tools, with which it will be possible not only to fix each subsequent property, but also to purchase it on a simplified system through the internal token platform.
That is, to put it in simple words, Global Property Register is a new kind of already obsolete old system of the real estate market. Global Property Registeris able not only to assess real estate, but also to control the entire list of necessary documents, legal certificates and other references at the legislative level, in order to ensure maximum transparency at all stages of the transaction, as well as to eliminate various bureaucratic costs.

Features and benefits

The presence of a blockchain network will allow you to simultaneously control an incredible number of files and documents, while providing all the necessary legislative, regulatory and legal structures with quick access to all the necessary documents and reports. Moreover, the blockchain will contribute to the reduction of additional financial costs, which previously devoured most of the capital of a real estate owner. Another advantage of Global Property Register is geographical latitude, because this project has the opportunity to develop around the world, without limiting itself to the borders of a country.
At the same time, to accelerate the process of all actions will help the built-in Artificial intelligence, which will not only reduce the time of all inspections, but also provide the user with all the necessary data for the shortest possible time. Another very important detail of Global Property Register is the insurance of real estate objects both from any natural disasters and from other insured events. That is not a little important element for all real estate.
In addition, the team of specialists will provide the best and reliable products for the real estate market based on the blockchain, namely:

The details of the ICO

Harmonious work within the system will be carried out by an internal token — XRX, with which users will be able not only to purchase some real estate, but also to pay for additional services for the registration of their property and much more. The token itself is developed on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain and meets the ERC20 standard.
In total, for the development of its project, the developers will be released 5 billion coins with an initial value of $0.005 US per 1XRX. As part of its ICO, the team intends to collect Hard Cap in the amount of 25 million us dollars. This amount should be enough to fully run your entire model and start using it in the near future.
The distribution of tokens and funds is as follows


People who have long been in search of something real and accessible are clearly interested in this project. Because its concept is quite simple,but understandable to the masses. This means that people will not face great difficulties in the operation of this tool.
However, do not forget about the risks that are present in absolutely any direction and the project, so before you make any decision carefully consider it. Since my reviews are only for informational purposes and do not encourage you to invest in a particular project. All I can recommend to you is to study in detail each separately selected project independently. And for this, I always prepare all the necessary links that you will find at the end of this review. And that’s it for today and see you soon!

Official resources of the Global Property Register project:


Znane sposoby na wymianę to cyfrowa wymiana, w której wszyscy użytkownicy kupują i mogą znaleźć produkty z dowolnego miejsca na świecie. W odróżnieniu od innej wymiany, oferuje ona więcej ułatwień, które wypełniają luki, szczególnie na niektórych zarejestrowanych imprezach. Na przykład, Coinxes jest w pełni zdecentralizowany, wszystkie urządzenia można kupić i znaleźć gotowe do ponownego użycia (P2P) w większej liczbie przypadków. Nie jest możliwe, aby utrudnić i całkowicie utracić fundusze, ponieważ fundusze nie są przechowywane na planach. Wynika z tego, że niejednokrotnie kupuje się w interesach, by uniknąć problemów. Protokół pozwala sprzedawcom na ustalenie ceny i wybranie preferowanej części. Co więcej, platforma eskortuje wątpliwości co do jeszcze większego bezpieczeństwa dla użytkowników. Depozyt powraca do każdego znalezienia informacji, które mogą kupić kryptografię ze wspaniałych gier. To sprawia, że ​​fundusze kupna, uwalniając je dopiero po tym, jak kupujący zdarzył się w kryptowalutach, zapewnia.

Thе vіѕіоn оf Coinxes jest tо stworzyć рlаtfоrm whеrе сrурtо trаdеrѕ mogą kupować i ѕеll сrурtосurrеnсіеѕ wіthоut żadnych ograniczeń w oparciu o lосаtіоn, lаnguаgе, mоdе оf płatności аnd nie bеіng сhаrgеd wielokrotnie dla dероѕіtѕ, trаdіng аnd wіthdrаwаlѕ.
Aby pomóc ICO upodobnić się do ich dobra i dotrzeć do odbiorców.

W przypadku ICO konieczne może być inwestowanie w dowolne rozwiązania, które nie byłyby pożądane ze względu na lokalizację, większą część i język.
Aby wszystkie bloki blokowe mogły znaleźć swoje własne lub podobne w jednym miejscu, gdzie ich żetony lub monety mogą być łatwiejsze do samodzielnego lub jakiegokolwiek innego projektu.
Doskonałe wyposażenie Co2xes P2P
Kupuj i kupuj cyfrowo
P2P jest świetnym rozwiązaniem dla transakcji, która jest trudna i prywatna, pewna i przydatna do użycia. Prawdopodobnie najbardziej prawdopodobne jest, że najłatwiej i najlepiej kupić i sprzedać w odpowiednim momencie, przy użyciu odpowiedniej i arbitrażowej wersji.

Pewne tragedie
Doskonała strona kryptowaluty P2P, z pewnymi zabezpieczeniami, jak wszystkie, są weryfikowane przed uzyskaniem odpowiedzi na pytanie. Poza tym nie przechowuje kryptowaluty. W związku z tym nie ma wielu problemów.

Życzymy Państwu własnego Trace
Kup swój własny handel na stronie, na której możesz kupować lub sprzedawać, swoją oryginalną lub odpłatną i metodę płatności.
Sprawdź, co to jest, Ethereum, NIe i Litecoin w tym celu.

Dawny pomysł
Chcesz więcej? Wymiana Coinxes P2P sprawia, że ​​płatność jest właściwa, więc nie musisz czekać na zakupy, aby przekonać się, że Twoja firma jest gotowa lub może z twojej strony. Dokonaj transakcji przez coś i zostanie zakończona w kasie.

Ponieważ korzystasz z P2P, tylko ograniczone informacje nie będą musiały zostać przekazane przez nas tak samo, że twoja większość może być z powodzeniem wybrana.

Ponieważ łączysz się z innym protokołem za pośrednictwem P2P na stronie internetowej, twoje troski są przekazywane prywatnym i bezpiecznym, co daje ci spokój.

Łatwość użycia
Może użyć tego lub innego elementu, że klient / klient jest skłonny do podjęcia decyzji Niektóre transakcje są najbezpieczniejsze i najłatwiejsze, ponieważ są pewne na rachunkach powierniczych.

Transakcje P2P oznaczają, że łączą się Państwo z innymi walutami cyfrowymi lub gotówkowymi, które nie są gotowe. Nie ma żadnego właściwego serwera, po prostu „nie” dzieli się z innymi i nie lubi. Jeśli jedna z nich pójdzie dalej, transakcja jest pewna, ponieważ nie opiera się ona na innych, bardziej szczegółowych kwestiach od samego początku.
Więcej informacji, uprzejmie to:

STRONA INTERNETOWA: httpr: //www.соіnxеst.іо
Autor: kensyin
Mój profil BitcoinTalk:;u=25753895

AMANPURI has a long-standing interest in the foreign exchange market, but many unauthorized foreign exchange intermediaries have handled the bucket in FX development. So far, most of them have been eliminated, but this suggests that this equivalent situation will occur in the VFA business from now on and for the foreseeable future. It is the customers and speculators who suffer this type of damage, such as haze, contract variance, server downtime, opt outs, customer group matches, and brutal closures.

AMANPURI will use assets both for influence and for currency exchange and will require coordination and advertising systems to increase trading volumes and secure customer resources. In addition, AMANPURI will strive to reach the largest trading volume in the world with the help of experienced advertising experts. From now on and for the foreseeable future, customers are asking more and more sincere and sincere questions about a supervised business.


DLT's business features the VFA trading platform and a multi-faceted business organization focused on the continued capabilities of resources, data and customer support. As the number of customers grows, it's important to create a situation that can be used more safely and reliably to keep the customer safe. As a rule, the current trades have many problems.


AMANPURI Exchange has an impact on the exchange platform with impact of the Exchange platform up to 100 times more than 100 times. Influence on the Exchange platform and the coordination framework Customer Resource Assurance queries are at the top of the list. You can get an extraordinary idea of ​​a half-dollar cut in foreign currency costs by using the VFA AMANPURI (AML) restrictive exchange rate markup.


AMANPURI relies on an advanced brand to execute multiple signatures. VFA billing requires at least two passwords (mystery keys) from a wallet address. One of the consequences of this security is that programmers generally do without hacking transactions in DLT transactions by simply using multi-signatures. With a cold budget, the resources of customers are protected from the risks of programmers.

Cold Portfolio Management

Basically, customer resources are stored in a cool wallet, reducing the risk of hacking. With regard to payment systems, we also limit the payouts to one per day and arbitrarily select the period between which the strategies are highlighted each time by our own calculation. Thanks to the extraordinary consistency and sporadic changes of this current calculation, we offer absolute security. As a service provider, securing the customer's resources is our first concern. It is not managed independently for each withdrawal request. For example, if requests to withdraw 100 records are requested, they will be prepared together. This can serve as a countermeasure to hacking.

Partnerships with the guards

We are dealing with a remarkable guardian who is an authorized organization of the UK FCA to independently monitor client resources. We intend to conclude a trust agreement with our supervisor by 2023. When supervisors are attacked with funds such as piracy, the Bank of England pays them for the damage done. Implicitly secure 100% customer resources for independently controlled reserves.


The sophisticated signature and portfolio management for multiple signatures, as well as the security measures, for example, organizations with supervisors, are carried out, and we intend to provide 5% of the compensation of work from month to month as assets dedicated exclusively to the resources of To cover customers in case of injury through aggression. By the time we come to an agreement with our supervisor, we will merge the 7% of real profit media to protect customers' resources from all dangers.

Details ICO

The AMANPURI ecosystem is based on AML auxiliary chips.
The AMANPURI token (AML) is an ERC20-compliant token issued in the Ethereum Blockchain. It can be used for exchange rate fees, AMANPURI Exchange billing and risk capital purposes such as VFA transactions, etc. In addition, it is likely that the creation of a single block chain by 2020 will become a reality.

Please follow the link below for more details:

Senin, 29 April 2019

Cobo Wallet – First Leading Wallet Offering PoS & Masternode Reward 

I think it is unlikely that many of you will remember the time when Bitcoin and the associated blockchain technology appeared. Then it was little known and no one in the world still did not understand what it will lead to after some 10 years. Now most of the educated population of the planet knows about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. People learn to interact with technology and adapt it to all areas of our lives. For better or worse, we will know only years later, but one thing I know for sure is the blockchain and the entire associated cryptocurrency market – a new engine of progress. And if the blockchain is still progress, it can not be bad in the prior. Is it logical?!


However, despite the rapid growth of the entire crypto-currency industry in the world, there are still very few high-quality projects and all additional elements that could clearly and without errors transmit our data, and also be so reliable that no hacker "fly" slipped through. After all, as far as we know hackers are not asleep, they just day and night working on how they hack this or that exchange, or to clean this or that online wallet. That naturally generates a new stage of evolution of all created projects on the blockchain. Hundreds of thousands of professionals are working on how to improve all the current performance, while making their idea accessible, easy to use and as safe as possible. After all, everything that concerns the value of assets, is of the most serious importance, where every mistake is simply not permissible!
Of course the topic of security is very extensive and there is a lot to say about it, but my today's is not about it. Although and about it, too,, but only in more narrow its notion of. To be more precise, today we will consider a new crypto-wallet, the main purpose of which is to provide the highest and maximum security of all your digital assets. Interesting?! Then let's go.

About the project

Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to present you today a unique development in the field of cryptocurrency nano wallets – Cobo WalletCobo Wallet is a new generation of hardware wallets that meet the highest requirements: the reliability and security of all internal assets, as well as being home to other kinds of features and cryptocurrency capabilities.
It is important to note that in addition to the standard function of storage and transfer of assets in Cobo Wallet built features such as: multiplication of its wealth, as well as affordable integration with a number of other Dapps applications necessary for your life.

Design feature

All these features were originally provided by the developers of Cobo Wallet to ensure that in the future you will not have any problems in managing your digital assets and you will easily communicate through one device with a large number of applications through POS support and Dappstore. Moreover, for the development of the entire cryptocurrency potential, the founders have provided such modern tools for investment as Impact Lives, with which each user will be able to increase their wealth in the most reliable and safe way. But that's not all. Cobo Wallet is truly a storehouse of various functions and tools for both the average user and for professionals of the cryptocurrency market, which is not enough only reliability and security. Since they are also important additional features of the wallet with which they will be able to competently manage their investments. And most importantly, Cobo Wallet has such investment tools that the user can use for added value. And the name of this service – BitGrow. If we talk about this tool in more detail, we can safely say that it is highly professional, since its management methods were previously used in various investment firms, hedge funds, as well as a number of other companies engaged not only in the optimization of the arbitration strategy, but also projects dealing with AI.
What I would like to add here is that the Cobo Wallet app can be easily installed on both Android and iOS, making it public. Moreover, the entire built-in interface of the application is designed in such a way that you do not need too much time to explore all the available features of Cobo Wallet, and immediately start using them.


Of course complement the intelligent capabilities of the Dapp application will be a hardware wallet of increased strength with the strongest degree of protection of all existing wallets in the world.
In order for you to really realize all the charm of Cobo Wallet, I suggest to consider some of its features in more detail:
  • first, Cobo Wallet is a new generation of hardware wallets that meet all military standards and is also waterproof;
  • second, the protection of all internal and external transactions eliminates any external contact with WiFi/ Bandwith/ NFC/ Bluetooth network. In order to eliminate any external attempts to intercept your data;
  • third, Cobo Wallet is equipped with the most powerful encryption chip that is used in Bank adapted firmware and complies with all security protocols;
  • fourth, Cobo Wallet has a powerful web authentication, due to which it has the ability to almost instantly prevent hacker supply chains;
  • but that's not all. In fifth place is the security of the case hardware wallet, which is 360 degrees provided from any mechanical break-ins and damage;
  • sixth, even if someone and udastsa hack hardware wallet mechanically, the Cobo Wallet provides a self-destruction function, after which the fraudster or thief will not be able to get any data to your digital assets;
  • complements all this diversity also TF card and multi-signature, built-in for an additional level of security. In short, the developers have tried to dump and created a one-of-a-kind Cobo Wallet.


Summing up a logical result about the project, I want to say that its developers have really done a tremendous job, combining in one solution so many useful features, tools and capabilities, and brought it all to an incredible level of reliability and security. At the same time, the speed of all transactions will also be at the highest level, so you will not have any difficulty in just a few taps with your fingers to order a pizza and pay for it from your Cobo Wallet.
Of course Cobo Wallet contains a huge number of practical features that I do not even tell you about, but in order to study them you will still have time. As part of my brief review, I do not touch on too deep topics and give you the opportunity to study them on your own. Moreover, at the end of the article you will find a list of official resources of the project, where you can answer any question. And this from me perhaps all and see you soon!

Official resources of the Cobo Wallet project:



 Possible Unlimited World

Youseeme is an ecosystem of firewalls and loyalty gifts that unite the crypto community and traditional consumers. Youseeme allows buyers not to manage different loyalty programs and exchange prize points from different sellers. All accumulated loyalty points (Bartcoin) can be spent at all Youseeme network points (restaurants, shops, etc.). Buyers will soon learn about wallet balances and cash availability. Youseeme Wallet offers safe and fast transactions, online purchases (M-commerce) and simple money transfers between wallets (for example, exchanging accounts, sending money to anyone across the country, etc.)
YouSeeMe is the first e-wallet that combines payment and trading functions. Now you can share with friends and family, pay for purchases, exchange traditional cryptocurrency and assets and goods, and keep all your assets in a safe place. This project combines two applications at once. This application is YouSeeMe and the Bartwallet application.
Bartwalet application
The Bartwallet application will be launched in the first quarter of 2019 and will offer a new generation of trading solutions for cryptocurrency and tokens. This exchange will support Bitcoin and Ethereum (which will appear after other cryptocurrency), as well as Bartcoin (BARC). The exchange platform will offer high liquidity, transparent order books and low and fixed costs for all transactions. This application can be installed on all types of smartphones.
Bartcoin Token
Bartcoin (BARC) is a protocol based on Ethereum Blockchain (ERC20), where retailers can value customers for various behaviors, such as spending money in their store and getting information exchanged with Bartcoin. Then buyers can spend their Bartcoin tokens on all traders on the network for future purchases or exchange them on the Bartwallet platform.
Youseeme Bartcoin & Ecosystem
The Youseeme application facilitates the transition between the virtual world and the real world, allowing you to spend money on Bartwallet thanks to Bartcoin cryptocurrency, for example, you can change Bitcoin, Ethereum or other Bartcoin cryptocurrency and pay for purchases through Youseeme in a shopping shop, restaurant …) with a few clicks mouse, you can easily track the history of all your transactions on the Internet.
Youseeme & bartwallet in the palm of your hand
Make a purchase and payment through Yousseme eWallet, no need to use a credit card. Share your taxi fare with your friends, or just send a portion of your rent to your roommate, all with the help of the Youseeme app. Buy and sell your cryptocurrency, wherever you are, collect transactions and decide to change them directly to Bartcoin or Euro. Always available, see Bartwallet’s transaction history and management 24 hours a day.


  • DSP2 rules in the banking sector that allow new companies to launch new payment instruments and electronic account management
  • Wallet cryptocurrency now offers asset and commodity trading.
  • Transaction control regulations are currently applied by regulators around the world. They can be included in the electronic money license required for DSP2 rules.
  • The fact is that Blockchain’s technology and tokenization is not limited to the financial sector. Blockchain has opened new words to explore creative business thinking.


The Youseeme exchange allows businesses and entrepreneurs to pay and receive BARTCOIN (personal virtual currency), thereby increasing sales to new customers locally and globally.
The BARTCOIN economy is based on a network of traders and consumers who form communities. We provide stable and stable buyers and sellers of currency to conduct daily business transactions at very low prices. Economy BARTCOIN also provides access to the digital currency market through individual investments in the Blockchain network. We strive to ensure that economical surpluses are convenient for users and ensure safety and values.
YouSeeMe and Bartwallet will help. You don’t even need to use a credit card. Now you can make purchases and pay for it through YouSeeMe e-wallet, pay for trips, rent a place, buy and sell your cryptocurrency, wherever you are, you can exchange it directly with Bartcoin or Euro anytime. Now everything is always available and ready, and you can manage Bartwallet 24 hours a day.
UCME is a Tokenised Marketplace pioneer and community concept for consumers and businesses worldwide. This allows you to fully decentralize commercial relationships between companies and users based on proximity and offer a user-friendly, new and unique communication and payment model. Octave-UCME has its own FIAT and CRYPTOCURRENCIES payment platform. This allows the use of traditional payments and transactions using electronic wallets for next generation mobile trading applications. We own and manage two mobile applications. Youseeme, a market that uses eWallet to trade goods and services, and Bartwallet, a trading platform application specifically designed for digital currency trading. 
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YouSeeMe and Bartwallet will be useful helpers. You don’t even need to use a credit card. Now you can make purchases and pay for it through YouSeeMe e-wallet, pay for trips, rent places, buy and sell your cryptocurrency, wherever you are, you can exchange it directly with Bartcoin or Euro anytime. Now everything is always available and ready, and you can manage Bartwallet 24 hours a day. 
In conclusion, I would like to say that such a project has every opportunity to succeed in the crypto community and bring benefits to its investors in the near future.
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For More Information About You Seeing Me, Visiting:
Username: kensyin
Hasil gambar untuk DATABLOC IO

Gathering event information can be practiced through an essential source or the analyst is the principal individual to acquire the information or an auxiliary source, the specialist gets the information that has just been gathered by different sources, for example, information dispersed in a logical diary. Information examination systems differ and incorporate information triangulation and information permeation.

The last offers an expressive technique for gathering, arranging and breaking down information utilizing five conceivable points of examination no less than three so as to augment the exploration's objectivity and license a comprehension of the wonders under scrutiny as total as could be allowed: subjective and quantitative strategies, writing surveys including academic articles, interviews with specialists, and PC reproduction. The information is from there on permeated utilizing a progression of pre-decided advances in order to extricate the most applicable data.

The DataBloc system will be open through a web stage where qualified specialist organizations list their information administrations. The specialist organizations will go from server farms to endeavors with in-house information administration offices. The specialist co-ops will join the system to improve their item offering, develop their client base, and lessening their client procurement costs. Ventures will join the system to improve security and gain steady uninvolved income on their lethargic information capacity limit. Endeavor and retail clients buy these information benefits on a subscriptionbased demonstrate.

The web stage will enable clients to channel specialist organizations by criteria including, yet not constrained to, cost, limit, administrations, repetition, and area. The web stage will at that point create a rundown of qualified specialist co-ops. The client will survey the rundown, pick a specialist organization, and checkout. For specialist co-ops that need to utilize the DataBloc programming however just host information from specific clients, they will have the alternative to execute private mode. In private mode, the main clients that can see and choose the specialist organization incorporate the clients that the specialist co-op welcomes.

The DataBloc programming, otherwise called StoneFusion, will be a ninth era blockchain arrangement created by StoneFly, an entrenched information administrations organization situated in Silicon Valley. StoneFly has put roughly 40 million USD into this item and has in excess of 16 full-time programming engineers taking a shot at improvement.

The product underpins different information administrations and capacity types, and offers venture quality information improvement, accessibility, openness, encryption, and security. DataBloc is progressing StoneFusion to a permissioned blockchain dependent on Ethereum, which empowers the utilization of a token that encourages a proficient sharing economy. As opposed to the completely decentralized setting, clients will know and believe the hubs they buy information administrations from.

As an utility token, Stone (ticker: STONE) will be a valuable method to interface with the DataBloc stage. The STONE token can be characterized to speak to future access to an organization's item or administration. The characterizing normal for STONE tokens is that they are not structured as speculations. There is no assurance or guarantee of an arrival on venture. The tokens speak to a unit of record for the system. The greater the system develops, the greater utility in the token.

Sovereignty Bloc (ticker: RBC) will win a 10% eminence on the income produced by the DataBloc stage in unendingness. Through brilliant contracts, RBC proprietors will win STONE progressively by accepting 10% of each installment. They will have the decision to either sell their STONE, utilize their STONE to purchase information benefits on the web stage, or hold their STONE in a wallet. RBC should increment in incentive close by the absolute income produced by the DataBloc stage.

The RBC valuation ought to be controlled by the anticipated future estimation of money streams produced from the 10% offer of stage income. By offering hearty information arrangements and a wide assortment of information administrations to endeavors just as the more extensive open, the RBC income stream is presented to an expanded arrangement of customers, every one of whom have distinctive hazard resiliences all through a market cycle. RBC will be sold as a security, not an utility, and won't be promoted nor sold to the general population.
Token Sale Information
Pre-sale discount : Up to 40%
Acceptable Payment  : BTC, ETH and Wire
Total supply Token : 333,333,333
Tokens for Sale : 200,000,000
Price per token : 0.5 USD
Soft cap : 10,000,000 USD
Hard cap : 100,000,000 USD


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