
Sabtu, 13 Juli 2019

Blockchain Epic Private Internet Cash

About The Epic Private Internet Cash Blockchain
The Epic Private Internet Cash Blockchain can record the most integral shows in the world and secure our future without chains. If journalists do not adopt this innovative process, surely there will be martyrs in the future, regardless of whether Assange is specifically one or not. The Epic Private Internet Cash Blockchain covers the virtues and ethos of the first Americans who fought for freedom against the repressive British Empire. The same type of violation of privacy and freedom is the cause. Furthermore, through blockchain technology, the same battle can be won and eradicated with code; thus, doing it peacefully without a sword or fearing the impact of the exposed emperor.
This time I will discuss about Epic Private Internet Cash, the newest system of privacy ecosystem technology on the blockchain

This method ensures the birth of history that can be recorded by all parties involved and cannot be changed for the first time. Through the nature of the distributed Epic Cash, there is no way to erase the work of brave journalists. These brave people can secure historical events from a journalistic perspective that might conflict with the agenda of the nation state.
Through the Epic Private Internet Cash protocol for history, it can first be recorded on the blockchain without worrying that there will be an impact from the country’s power. During humanity there have been many atrocities committed by winners of intrastate conflicts and world war; moreover, as the saying goes ‘History is written by winners’ and cruelty that is too often omitted from historical records.
Innovative software is very important, cannot be debated, to secure our freedom. After freedom is lost, they are very difficult to recover, the state apparatus is designed in such a way as to make it almost unreasonable to get it back after the loss has been suffered. But now, through cryptography and the Byzantine & Nakamoto Consensus, we can combat this loss peer to peer at the micro level first. In addition, in the case of Bitcoin we see this in the end leading to the adoption of macro technology in the provision of freedom.
Digital Money
Epic Private Internet Cash is a game changer in terms of privacy needed for a free market to re-develop without peeping. Where Bitcoin falls short, Epic Cash can carry a digital money stick and add a personal layer. Epic Cash will scale unreliable blockchain and world private transactions for the first time in history. Through the implementation of Dandelion ++ Communication and the absence of a wallet address — complete anonymity was realized. Anonymity is an important feature of healthy money in this digital era and answers to certain countries because they prohibit voluntary exchange and make capitalism a criminal offense.
Through Mimblewimble, capitalism can be restored and the market can develop where in history they have suffered. This magic technology can literally feed the poor, dress naked, and accommodate the homeless. The truly voluntary exchange of free markets for the first time will be commonplace wherever it is.
Characteristics of Money
Epic Private Internet Cash is a new original value media on the internet. It fulfills all the characteristics of money both Aristotle. The characteristics he notes from good money: endurance, portability, nature can be divided, and functionality. All of these properties make a lot of money; In addition, the most important feature is the cumulative nature of Epic Cash which is associated with all the characteristics that Aristotle describes. Epic Cash gives individuals the best exchange media that can scale and give the greatest value to individuals.
In the coming months, early users of Epic Private Internet Cash will experience transactions without trust without wallet identifiers that connect them as senders or recipients. This allows the world diaspora with minimal network costs for remittances; remittances are the biggest part of all cross-border transactions.
Thus hard-working people will be able to leave their homes and send remittances back to their families without being taken over by statistic and repressive companies that charge the highest transaction costs to the poorest countries. This is just one scenario that explains the importance of Epic Private Internet Cash and its protocol language.
Okay for more details about this good project, please join their community
Links to Project:
Bitcointalk username: kensyin
Wallet ETH: 0x08204147D36cE05456A3c99242cB3781b6B6875f

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