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Welcome to our website. Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum dolor.
Lorem ipsum eu usu assum liberavisse, ut munere praesent complectitur mea. Sit an option maiorum principes. Ne per probo magna idque, est veniam exerci appareat no. Sit at amet propriae intellegebat, natum iusto forensibus duo ut. Pro hinc aperiri fabulas ut, probo tractatos euripidis an vis, ignota oblique.
Ad ius munere soluta deterruisset, quot veri id vim, te vel bonorum ornatus persequeris. Maecenas ornare tortor. Donec sed tellus eget sapien fringilla nonummy. Mauris a ante. Suspendisse quam sem, consequat at, commodo vitae, feugiat in, nunc. Morbi imperdiet augue quis tellus.
Belifex blockchain adalah database blockchain yang mendukung dan mendorong pembangunan komunitas dan interaksi sosial berkat pembayaran hadiah cryptocurrency. Blockchain Belifex-nya akan berfokus terutama pada semua konsep media sosial, periklanan, kecerdasan buatan dan platform untuk adopsi kolektif. Donasi dan amal adalah kunci adopsi kolektif. Kunci penting untuk menginspirasi masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi adalah mata uang atau ekonomi pasar bebas sambil membangun sistem untuk mendukungnya. Kontribusi setiap orang, akan menjadi sumber penghasilan. Belifex akan menjadi cryptocurrency pertama yang mencoba memberi penghargaan secara akurat dan transparan kepada individu yang memberikan kontribusi mandiri kepada komunitas, amal, dan donasi mereka. Apa itu Belifex (BEFX)? Belifex adalah token berbasis Ethereum yang memungkinkan transaksi cepat dan pribadi di blockchain. Dengan penciptaan platform pertukaran media sosial yang didesentralisasi, ia akan mulai menciptakan ekosistemnya sendiri. Area fokus: Distribusi Kode: 1.1. Media Sosial: 1.2. Gateway Pembayaran: 1.3. Periklanan: 1.4. Donasi dan startup: 1,5. Kecerdasan Buatan: 1.6. Perawatan Kesehatan: 1.7. Platform pertukaran CEX dan DEX Produk yang Diharapkan: Belifex Sosial: Ini adalah platform yang membuat orang dapat menerima koin BEFX untuk konten yang mereka tulis atau buat Platform Pembayaran: Platform pembayaran untuk situs web / lokakarya web untuk mengimplementasikan BEFX dengan mudah di platform, ada semacam basis data yang menyimpan plugin Layanan Iklan Belifex: Platform iklan dan donasi untuk perusahaan dan perusahaan pemula Pasar: Buat tempat di mana Anda dapat membeli dan menjual barang. Alat pembelajaran mesin: Aplikasi pembelajaran data, akan membawa lebih banyak insentif pemasaran dan dinamika manusia
Game yang menggunakan aplikasi VRSocial Health: Aplikasi kinerja, pengguna akan dihargai ketika akses ke hadiah. Misalnya, Anda menjalankan 5 mil setiap kali. Ini bagus untuk membuat orang-orang olahraga naik kereta. Platform Pertukaran Belifex: Belifex akan membuat dua platform pertukaran untuk komunitasnya. Platform terpusat dan terdesentralisasi. Ini akan dilakukan untuk memungkinkan perdagangan mata uang token dan erc20. Silakan bergabung dengan telegram resmi kami untuk pembaruan dan berita penting tentang Belifex .. Belifex Social: Ini adalah platform yang membuat orang dapat menerima koin BEFX untuk konten yang mereka tulis atau buat Platform Pembayaran: Platform pembayaran untuk situs web / lokakarya web untuk mengimplementasikan BEFX dengan mudah pada platform di sana, jenis database apa yang menyimpan plugin Layanan Periklanan Belifex: Platform iklan dan donasi untuk perusahaan dan perusahaan rintisan Pasar: Buat tempat di mana Anda dapat membeli dan menjual barang. Aplikasi dan alat pembelajaran mesin: Aplikasi pembelajaran data, akan membawa lebih banyak insentif pemasaran dan dinamika manusia Augmented Reality: Game menggunakan VR Aplikasi Kesehatan Sosial: Aplikasi kinerja, pengguna akan dihargai ketika akses ke hadiah. Misalnya, Anda menjalankan 5 mil setiap kali. Ini bagus untuk membuat orang-orang olahraga naik kereta. Platform pertukaran Belifex: Belifex akan membuat 2 platform pertukaran untuk komunitasnya. Platform terpusat dan terdesentralisasi. Ini akan dilakukan untuk memungkinkan perdagangan mata uang token dan erc20. Situs web: https://belifex.com/ Telegram: https://t.me/belifex_official Pertukaran: https://belifex.com/wheretotrade/ Penulis: kensyin https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=25753895 Alamat Dompet : 0x08204147D36cE05456A3c99242cB3781b6B6875f
Blockchain teknolojisi ve crowdfunding, ekonomiyi değiştiren iki terim
bildiğimiz dünya. Bir yandan, aktifleştirilmiş olan Blockchain teknolojisine sahibiz.
daha fazla gizlilik, güvenlik sağlayan merkezi olmayan bir finansal altyapının oluşturulması,
şeffaflık ve diğer geleneksel finansal sistemlere göre verimlilik. Öte yandan
Kitlesel fonlama olgusu umut verici küçük fikirlerin büyük projelere dönüşmesine izin verdi
ve dünyayı bu konuda yönlendirenlere daha kolay finansal araçlar sağlayarak ve
İOWN'te bu değişikliklere tanık olduk ve hızlı bir değişimi temsil ettiklerini düşünüyoruz.
ve olumlu etki. iOWN, her iki Blockchain teknolojisinin faydalarını birleştirmeyi hedefliyor
ve Blockchain tarafından desteklenen yeni bir crowdfunding platformu oluşturmak için crowdfunding konsepti
yatırımcıları yenilikçilerle birleştirecek.
iOWN yatırımların gerçekleşmesi ve ele alınması konusundaki eksikliklerin ve eksikliklerin üstesinden gelecektir
mevcut finansal sistemde. Şirketlerini sık sık genişletmeyi planlayan işletme sahipleri
Planlarını finanse etmek için kredi kullanmaları gerekir, ancak neredeyse her zaman katı prosedürler bulurlar.
Amaçlarını gerçekleştirmelerini engelleyen finansal uygulamalar ve kısıtlamalar. iOWN hedef
Kârlı bir şekilde yatırım yapmak için fırsatlar arayan, yeterli sermayeye erişimi olan insanlar ve
Güvenilir olabilen ancak deneyime ve bilgiye sahip olmayan veya yapacak zamanı olmayan projeler.
bu tür bir yatırım. iOWN, ilaç olarak işlev görmesi için başlatılan bir Blockchain teknolojisi platformudur.
bu gibi durumlar için ve işletme sahiplerinin ve yatırımcıların görüşme yollarını açmaları
dijital pazarlar ve fon sağlama ve akıllı yatırım yapma fırsatlarını artırma,
iOWN, insanların bir işletmeyi yürütmenin (veya ümit vaat edenlerin bir parçası olmaları için) kolay erişim sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır
başlangıç) minimum çaba ve maksimum değer ile. Akıllı fikirleri gerçeğe dönüştürmeyi hedefliyoruz
iş; işletme sahiplerine geliştirmeleri, genişletmeleri ve
işlerini pazarlamak, daha fazla fon oluşturmalarını ve onlarla başarı paylaşmalarını sağlar
Çözümler (Rekabet Avantajlarımız)
iOWN, insanların güvenilen (veya ümit vaat eden bir başlangıç) bir işin parçası olmaları için minimum çabayla ve maksimum değerle kolay erişim sağlar. Akıllı fikirleri gerçek işe dönüştürüyoruz; işletme sahiplerine, daha fazla fon yaratmalarını ve başarılarını herkesle paylaşmalarını sağlayacak şekilde işlerini geliştirmek, genişletmek ve pazarlamak için dijital destek sağlıyoruz.
Yatırım alanı yeni değil, İşletme ve Yatırımın yerleştirilme şeklidir
yapılanlar o zamandan beri gelişti. 2000'lerin başlarından itibaren, dünyanın var olduğuna inandık
dijital dönüşümün bir parçası. Aşağıdaki ödeme sistemi gelişim çizelgesini göz önünde bulundurun:
Ödeme sistemleri hızla ve pazarın ihtiyaçlarına göre adapte olmak için değişmekte ve değişmektedir.
kullanıcılar için işlemi basitleştirin.
Ama sonra ne olacak? En modern genişleme için gelecekteki talebi nasıl karşılayabiliriz?
yatırım alanına dağıtılmış bir ödeme sistemi mi? Cevap: Blockchain temelli fütüristik yatırım platformu, merkezi olmayan, herkes tarafından erişilebilir.
İlerleyen bölümlerde, iş dünyasında kullanılan genel terimleri vurgulayacağız.
Projemize dahil edilecek yatırım alanı.
The KNL Ecosystem is a blockchain-based real economy with new exciting opportunities for individual investors, SMEs and large institutions.
The platform is designed to bring together asset owners and investors by creating low-risk financial instruments based on the blockchain, secured by assets in real estate, agriculture, manufacturing, shares in enterprises, etc. We create risk-free infrastructure based on a legal framework clearly established for offers of tokenized assets on the Kernel-Trade to maximize the safety and reliability of investments on our platform.
The new era for agriculture.
What are the Key Elements of KNL Platform?
Exports of crops from the southern ports of Russia have increased to 43 million tons, which amounts to 9 billion dollars. Russian domestic market (processors) has reached 60 million tons, which amounts to another 14 billion dollars. Russia is the world’s leader in crops exports but it lacks a decentralised trading platform for agricultural products with the help of exchange-traded instruments. The purpose of our project is finding a solution to this issue with the help of the introduction of additional security guarantees that are offered by the blockchain technology. We will be the first pilot project in Russia, which will form great volumes of crops on its platform and trade on the komgo SA European platform, developed with the support of BNP Paribas, Société Générale, Mercurial, Gunvor, Natixis, Citi, ABN AMRO, Shell, ING, Koch Supply & Trading, MUFG Bank, SGS, Rabobank and Crédit Agricole Group in the jurisdiction of Geneva. Our product for trading exchange commodities, in particular, agriculture was created by a team that has over 18 years of practical experience. European banks and big international companies have participated in its development and have already made transactions using an open blockchain platform.
The KNL project will export crops to Europe, China, Egypt, Turkey, entering contracts for the sale of agricultural products on electronic letters of credit. Such technology has made transactions five times faster and has been tested by Chinese and American company Louis Dreyfus for the supply of soybeans.
There will be no need to sell crops in August at the lowest price possible right after the harvest. Our modern the most advanced crop elevators will provide reliable storage of crop stocks during the autumn period, which will allow farmers to sell crops 1.5–2 times more expensively.
Purpose of KNL Platform Implementation
Provision of farmers with accessible financial resources in order to carry out the complete cycle of crops cultivation or construction. Within the frameworks of our platform, each participant will get an opportunity of guaranteed sales at favourable prices.
2. Purpose of IEO
Fundraising for the launch of our exchange, development of our own Stellar–based blockchain for secure cross-border payments.
The services KNL provides do not confine to financing, crops storage in its own elevators but also fully solves any logistics issues. KNL will include an infrastructure that ensures a full cycle of logistics operations, in particular, the loading of crops into our transporters right from the combine and its further transportation to the elevator, as well as crops delivery to the buyer from the elevator.
The whole process will be highly digitized which will give the farmers an opportunity to control all aspects of transportation and storage of each unit of grain crops. An integral part of the project is the insurance of both future harvests and already harvested crops.
Our insurance programs will be developed with consideration for the peculiarities of business dealing, including the aspects of crops cultivation. For the farmer, this means that we will consider a large set of indicators while forming the most profitable insurance commission individually for each client.
One more KNL operating direction will be the sublease of land with bally crops, which will increase the interest of farmers and token holders with the project’s operating capital.
Agricultural producers (farmers) place an order for the sale of crops on the exchange (using a termed contract). Owners of tokens place an offsetting order for the purchase of crops under a termed contract. In this case, KNL tokens themselves are used as a charging instrument for entering into a smart contract between the KNL exchange and the token holder. For the time of execution of contractual terms of a transaction the corresponding token volume is frozen. The goods of agricultural producers are sold by the exporter for fiat funds in rubles on the domestic market or in dollars on external agricultural markets. As per the transaction terms, KNL provides all logistics from the farmers’ fields to KNL elevators, as well as from KNL elevators to the shipment points of an exporter. We guarantee on-time payments to the farmers for the purchased volumes of crops, as well as the perception of money after the delivery of goods to the exporters. The supposed transaction margin will be 8–16%. The profits received in fiat currency, will be transferred to the token owners that were engaged in the transaction. All orders for the purchase, sale, and delivery of grain crops are published on the platform online. The transaction participants will have access to a live video control system that will operate throughout the shipment and loading of crops into freight cars and trucks. The video transmission will be available right in the user’s account on the exchange.
KNL will have its own exchange where account currency unit will be the KNL token. The token holder will have an opportunity to provide a loan to a farmer directly in KNL digital currency and using other cryptocurrencies and fiat currency units, that is in rubles or dollars. The standard loan period is up to 90 days. Herewith, both the exchange and token holders will offer an individual interest.
Quite often it is fiat funds that the farmers need in rubles or dollars for running their business; therefore, token holders can use a fiat currency loan service offered by the exchange itself. The intricacy of such proposal is that the token holder uses the KNL digital currency as a collateral and gets fiat money at a small interest rate. Taking into account the inexorably growing demand for the KNL token, the investors’ tokens will be in demand as well from the perspective of demand satisfaction in the secondary market.
This project can be a big help not only with investors of KNL but also for farmers because farmers nowadays has the lesser help from the government and only their CO-OP are the one that is helping them. With KNL this will surely give the investors a big chance of ROI and also for the farmers it has been also supported by block chain so it has a big chance of having a success. I am not telling you to trust me and invest in this project but as I see it has a great potential so if you want to invest in this project just invest what you can afford to loose. All in all it is a great project if it is implemented well.
Blockchain Life 2018 adalah salah satu forum internasional terbesar yang memenangkan blockchain, crypto dan mining. Itu adalah acara besar pertama yang dihadiri oleh tim PointPay. ICOTOP adalah salah satu forum sponsor. Kami bangga menjadi mitra strategis kami, kami bekerja secara aktif dengan mereka.
Kami senang berada di antara lebih dari 5.000 tamu yang mewakili 70 negara. Presentasi dari penyelenggara utama forum Vita Edlichka dan Sergey Khitrov paling menarik perhatian karyawan kami. Yang pertama menceritakan kisah blockchain pertama dalam sejarah dunia, yang dianggap hanya dapat diterima. Namun, mimpi itu memiliki semua harapan untuk menjadi kenyataan, karena lebih dari setengah juta aplikasi untuk kewarganegaraan diusulkan.
Juga patut disebutkan adalah presentasi proyek Pitch ICO inovatif. Proyek yang paling menjanjikan adalah sistem pertukaran cryptocurrency multifungsi CoinStruction, platform penyedia iklan HYGH dan token Blueshare. Perkembangan baru di bidang ini telah menarik perhatian khusus dari PointPay. Kami menetapkan tujuan yang ambisius – untuk memasuki pasar dengan produk terbaru.
PointPay Crypto Bank Arah baru di pasar cryptocurrency: kelola, simpan, dan tambah modal Anda dengan PointPay. Kami menciptakan solusi satu atap yang unik untuk pasar global.
Terjemahan cepat di seluruh dunia
Tidak ada batasan mata uang
Kartu mata uang virtual, debit dan kredit, fiat, dan crypto
Pinjaman cryptocurrency
Crypto mengakuisisi
Perbankan Seluler Online
Crypto Forex
Setoran kripto dan pinjaman ke GO TO BANK POINTPAY
Platform Cryptom PointPay Exchange
Beli, jual, dan tukarkan cryptocurrency dengan percaya diri. Antarmuka dan tutorial yang mudah digunakan yang akan membantu menyederhanakan perdagangan, apakah Anda seorang pemula atau profesional.
Pembayaran dan pembayaran fiat
Perdagangan aset yang dipatenkan (saham, indeks, komoditas)
Crypto Daily Kembali ke Pemilik PXP
Sistem rujukan empat tingkat dan pertukaran rujukan
Leverage Perdagangan (1:10)
Dukungan 24 jam
Dompet Multicurrency PointPay
Sekarang Anda dapat mengirim dan menerima mata uang kripto dan mata uang kertas ke anggota PointPay lainnya. Nikmati transaksi aman dan cepat dengan harga terendah!
Akun multicurrency Crypto dan Fiat
Keamanan dan anonimitas
Crypto Virtual Portofolio
Pertukaran instan
Pembayaran cryptocurrency
Setoran / penarikan instan dalam EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, CHF
Arsitektur SPV
Kode tagihan
Mudah digunakan
Token ekonomi
Token PointPay akan dirilis berdasarkan platform Ethereum dan sepenuhnya mematuhi standar ERC20. Ini akan memastikan keamanan transaksi, kompatibilitas dengan layanan pihak ketiga, dan memberikan integrasi yang mulus dan mudah.
The financial market has experienced several ups and downs, ranging from stock market expansion to online industry metamorphosis, major economic meltdown and what-have-you not. In some years back, the world was shocked with the breakdown of the world’s economy. Enthusiasts were quick to blame the breakdown on major banking institutions while market participants were just left to face their fates and strive again. This first major breakdown of the world’s currency was attributed not to carelessness of the major banking institutions but on the failure of the system to embrace the digital age in keeping financial records and lack of transparency of record cataloguing.
The Blockchain
Blockchain technology with its transparency is the only way forward for fair and fair trade in the world of finance. Blockchain allows you to decentralize the exchange of digital data between participants using the following registration functions that record all transactions. The process is fully transparent throughout the transaction and is fully traceable, irreversible and unchanged. The network guarantees the authenticity and authenticity of each transaction, and fraudulent activity is quickly leveled. The blockchain technology also revolutionized the entire financial and online market; giving a fair, automated and transparent financial experience without the hurdles of the hitherto centralized institutions. By the way, a blockchain can serve as "an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties resourcefully and in a verifiable and permanent way. The crypto market is becoming large as new tokens are added to the market every day. In early 2018, the market pushed towards over 750 billion US dollars market capitalization. Compared to the market growing, there is no significant improvement in the crypto wallet and exchange process. Why do you invest in cryptocurrencies? You may use them as utility tokens for operations on different platforms. In most cases, you will hold them & sell at a higher price to make a profit. You may prefer to trade cryptocurrencies. Sometimes you may spend crypto at online stores. How can you manage all these tasks? To manage them, all users of cryptocurrencies need: A super fast exchange to access all popular crypto markets A secure wallet to store your crypto assets
POINTPAY is creating a fundamentally new product that combines three services in a single closed-loop ecosystem: PointPay Crypto Bank, PointPay Crypto Exchange platform and PointPay Multi-currency Wallet.
In addition, PointPay has business contacts with more than 50 banks and 25 payment systems, as well as 20 lawyers who deal with issues of licensing cryptobusiness. PointPay have 4 years of experience in supporting the functioning of payment systems, including signing contracts, working with banks, working with other payment systems, paying out funds, and building complex payment schemes. PointPay are currently conducting a crowdfunding campaign through the sale of 500,000,000 PXP tokens in order to raise funds for the development of fully functional versions of the products.
About The PointPay Ecosystem and Its Unique Features
Token Details
PointPay Token will be released based on the Ethereum platform and fully comply with the ERC20 standard. This will ensure security of the transactions, compatibility with the third-party services and will provide seamless and easy integration.
Soft cap: $1,000,000
Hard cap: $30,000,000
Symbol: PXP (PointPay token)
Total supply: 500,000,000
Unsold tokens: to be destroyed
Retail price: 1 PXP = $0.10
Funds Allocation and Token Distribution
For more information, please visit the links i have provided below;
Blockchain is the latest technology that can bring changes to the marketing of real estate. Also this latest technology can change the methods and ways we conduct transactions. This technology has been used and tested in some other important areas of human life and it has been rated as the most advanced technology. This technology has been seen as the linkup between members and people of the world for any successful transaction to occur in the world of crypto-currency blockchain technology must definitely be involved. The enthusiasts in the world have seen the impact of this technology which is why they have been clamoring for the world-wide adoption of this technology.
Different sectors of human life have benefitted from this great technology and today its importance will be emphasized in this article. CESTATES is the new project which has adopted the use of blockchain technology to make transactions in real estate easier than it was before.
With the introduction of blockchain technology both the sellers and buyers will be able to clear and clarify all their doubts and proceed to have a successful transaction within themselves without the involvement of and escrow services. Adoption of Blockchain technology by CESTATES project will help speeding up the transactions and likewise reduce the high cost of transaction as to what is been experienced before. Adoption of blockchain technology simply means the use of smart-contracts in the platform to improve the security, immutability and likewise increase the transparency level of the platform. With the adoption of blockchain technology there will be a record of every transaction conducted in CESTATES platform on blockchain network in which members will be able to access it anytime they want thereby increases the transparency level of the project. This technology has made it difficult for people to manipulate and scam simply because there will always be record of every transaction on the blockchain network.
Blockchain technology has helped in developing a new method of decentralized assets with different payment options. This technology has made it possible to use different crypto-currencies to invest in REAL ESTATES.
Blockchain technology has made it possible to connect people around the globe to easily transact and likewise buy & sell real estate properties. CESTATES has made it a point of duty to do everything needed to ensure there is smooth deal and transaction between buyers and sellers in its platform.
CAPITARISE CORPORATION which is the backbone of CESTATES is a property management company which is very efficient, fast and professionals in helping people securing real estate around the globe.
CESTATES platform have expertise in the area of buying, selling, rental, listing, land banking, time sharing and crowd-funding. CESTATES has launched its project on NEM blockchain network which is also one of the best blockchain networks in the history of blockchain technology. CESTATES platform is designed with multi-layered security algorithm which will make it the most secured real-estate platform among others.
CESTATES has launched its own token known as xCET which will be used as transaction fees, listing and withdrawal fees in the platform.
To know more about CESTATES project follow the links below