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Minggu, 25 Agustus 2019

BlockSafe Technology - Securing the Blockchain Ecosystem

Who would not say that, but still the topic of security is one of the leading positions in the world. Every year, many companies and organizations spend large sums of money to improve their security performance, as well as eliminate all possible losses caused by hacker attacks and other fraudulent activities. But unfortunately, it is not always possible to do it effectively.


Have repeatedly heard such statements as popular as this organization or not is the theft of funds of more than hundreds of thousands of dollars. Someone's fate is completely closed, thus damaging the entire company, someone this problem is discussed in part, but also causes collateral damage to all further activities of this organization.

Of course, you might think that the problem in most cases like this is related to several centralized services, where all data is stored in one place. But, as sad as it sounds, it is replaced by a decentralized community, also hacking and other similar hacker attacks. What is in principle is proven by many statements where only now and then that there is news about the theft of millions of dollars from large amounts of funds from exchanges and other blockchain platforms. More than one billion US dollars was stolen in 2018 alone. Imagine the scale of the problem.

But to somehow reduce the growing dynamics of hacking and other hacking influences, the team of specialists has made several efforts to develop new ways to solve the above problem. And also to create reliable and high-quality products that help effectively prevent all kinds of hacker attacks and other fraudulent activities.

About the project

The project that we now want to inform you of is called BlockSafe Technologies Inc. The main objective, as we said before, is to launch a line of products that make it possible to protect various blockchain ecosystems, as well as their wallets and exchange processes from all possible hackers. To do this, the founding team has developed and patented two products, sales which will begin in the near future. They are referred to in the following ways: CryptoDefender TM and ExchangeDefender TM. Together, these projects have around 10 patents, 6 of which have already been submitted and 4 are still pending. However, their work is unique and can be replicated throughout the world. This means that it has a clear advantage over the security system in this segment.

In addition, the project itself was developed by a team of experienced professionals who already have significant experience in the high-tech industry. And has around 17 years of experience in the computer security industry and related innovations.

BlockSafe Technologies Network

As you already understand, to implement high-quality and reliable protection from a variety of networks, functions and principles, it is necessary to make several products that can fully implement comprehensive solutions for all current problems. To do this, BlockSafe developers form a kind of circle of actions, where each individual step will pass an authenticity test, and also check for dangerous penetration of fraudsters or hackers. For full understanding we suggest looking at the next slide.

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The advantage

In fact, the advantages of the various BlockSafe structures and their naturally connected in the first place increase the safety of all processes that exist in the blockchain industry. Personally, we are happy to see how the founding team has thought and provided for each individual item of data verification, as well as connecting the chain of actions in a single safe environment where you can continue to carry out all your actions without problems. Only under a reliable force protection mechanism that was developed specifically under the auspices of BlockSafe.

To illustrate the work structure of each product, we now do not see the point, as more detailed and comprehensive information about them you will find in the project technical documents.
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As the BlockSafe ecosystem is a blockchain project, to realize their product, the developers have provided their own security token, called BSAFE software. This structure is based on the Ethereum blockchain and complies with the ERC-20 standard. In addition, it fulfills all the necessary requirements of the SEC and will provide its owner with an annual passive income of 10% from the sale of BlockSafe products that are ready to use.


Because the topic of security is in the first place for many of us, advise not to pass this project. Because patented products and solutions are aimed at solving many problems today. After all, you will agree that it will be too late to think or remember about some effective ways for security, until this fate touches us. But, like the wise say, you must learn from the mistakes of others. So to avoid becoming a victim of fraud or something worse a hacker, we strongly recommend that you get acquainted with the BlockSafe project and various products. Identify their strongest qualities, analyze all current opportunities, and make big decisions for yourself. Become part of BlockSafe's new and secure space.

Reliable team


Supporting partner

To get clearer and more accurate information please visit the link below:

Official site: https://blocksafetech.io
Author : Kensyin
Eth : 0x08204147D36cE05456A3c99242cB3781b6B6875f

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